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A strength training journal

SS – Day17

Squats:  2x5x45 + 1x5x85 + 1x3x130 + 1x2x170 + 3x5x220

Bench: 2x5x45 + 1x5x70 + 1x3x100 + 1x2x130 + 4/4/4 x 145 (repeat weight)

Deadlift: 2x5x95 + 1x5x140 + 1x2x200 + 1x5x240

Squats were hard. Rested about 6.5 to 7 minutes after first set. Rested for about 6 minutes after second set. My knees may be buckling on these now. Trying to keep my back rigid against the load to avoid stressing the lower back.

Bench was really tough today. Failed to meet 5 reps on the first set. Grip width was with middle finger on the knurling. This proved to be the most stable grip placement between all 3 sets.

Deadlifts were not bad. Used a hook grip on the top work set. Focused on keeping chest up. Pushed through my heels and not my toes.

I need to invest in a camera so I can start evaluating form again.

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