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A strength training journal

10 Days Rest - Low Back Injury

Managed to induce my first ever exercise-related injury this past Monday.  I hadn't exercises consistently prior to that gym day.  Finding new gyms combined with road trips and visiting friends pushed me away from my regular routine.  Anyway, while doing box jumps, I managed to injure my lower back.  I can only describe the sensation as feeling like something getting dislodged in my lower back.  I immediately felt pressure in my low back and moving around and even just walking around would sometimes cause spasms.  I could barely bend over.  And the intermittent spasms would sometimes cause me to buckle and almost fall down.

Went to the doctor yesterday and initial diagnosis is indicating that there are no herniated conditions yet, so that was a relief.  Although, they still have to look at the X-rays that were taken to find out for sure.  I'm currently not allowed to do any running, heavy lifting or any impact related activities (jumping) for 10 days.  Two Alleves twice a day for the 10 days and I report again to see if the problem is still persisting.

I'll have to say that I my low back does feel slightly better compared to yesterday.  I have a bit more mobility and getting up out of a seated position is much easier than yesterday.  Yesterday, I literally had to push my upper body up because my low back just would not stay tight and get my body upright.

With regards to exercise, I think I'm going to dial back my lifts in anticipation of recovering from this injury.  I will also be making sure I spend at least 10-20 minutes solely for warming up.  I think I could have avoided this injury had I sufficiently warmed myself up.  Jumping right into plyometrics without any stretching of the low back is just a bad idea.

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