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A strength training journal

Week 7 – Madcow5x5 – Day 18A


5 x 135 5 x 165 5 x 195 5 x 230 5 x 260 (belt)


The 260 was much harder than last Friday's 265 triple.


5 x 70 5 x 90 5 x 105 5 x 125 5 x 140

Stopped doing it the Mr. Tate way and went back to doing them Rippetoe style.  My grip is a grip width wider on both sides.  I still lifted my chest a bit, and shrugged to engaged my traps.  Not sure if this is entirely correct form.  The norm would be pinch the shoulder blades together.


5 x 70 5 x 90 5 x 105 5 x 125 5 x 140


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