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A strength training journal

Week 3 - Madcow5x5 - Day 6A


5 x 120 5 x 145 5 x 175 5 x 205 5 x 235

Not too bad, definitely took my time between the heavier sets.  I've gotten lazy with recording myself, but I think it's about time I start doing so.  I felt fairly comfortable with my form today, no lower back pain at all.


5 x 65 5 x 85 5 x 95 5 x 115 5 x 125

Felt more comfortable with my form today.  I didn't tuck my elbows in as much.  My left elbow flared a bit much on one of the reps.  But other than that, the weight still feels relatively light.  Can't wait to get that plate up there again.


****5 x 65 5 x 85 5 x 95 5 x 115 5 x 125

These were still pretty easy.   As usual, lift off ground and accelerate towards chest.


Weighted Situps: 10xBW, 10x7.5, 10x10, 10x10 - Not bad, felt the burn more in my hip flexors.  I think I need to curl into my knees.

Weighted Hyperextensions: 10xBW, 10x10, 10x15 - Pretty easy, but my knees were killing me.  Felt like they would snap backwards from the counter-balancing.

HIIT: 10 minutes - Feeling sluggish on the HIIT.  My peak heart rate was at 189 bpm, definitely out of running shape.

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