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A strength training journal

Week19 - Day55B - Spring Time

*Weight: *??

The scale is 5 feet away from me and I forgot to weigh myself again, doh!  Weather is absolutely gorgeous outside.

Squats:  3x5xBar + 5x150 + 3x175 + 2x205 + 1x235 + 5x265

Top set was tough.  Rested for 5 seconds after 4th rep and emptied the tank on the last rep.  I think I made it down to at least parallel.  The weight on the upper back made it very difficult to keep the torso upright.

Press:  5x5x65

These were difficult.  I bounced reps from the bottom of the lift to take advantage of some bounce out of the hole.

Deadlift:  5x135 + 3x175 + 2x205 + 1x235 + 5x270

Alternating grip, pretty difficult.  Rolling the bar down over my knee cap is killing them.  Will need to read up on this.

*Accessories: *Dips:  10/9/5.5/5/5 Wide-Grip Pull-ups:  2/2/2/2/2

*Conditioning: *Treadmill Intervals 1min warmup 3.0spd 30 sec 5.0 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 5.5 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 6.0 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 6.5 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 7.0 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 6.5 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 6.0 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 5.5 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest 30 sec 5.0 spd + 30 sec 3.0 rest

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