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A strength training journal

Week 3 - Day 8B

Today's workout was fairly tough for some reason.  I haven't been accustomed to this kind of volume training since I switched from Stronglifts to Madcow a while back.  Didn't feel like I was consistent on my form when squatting.  Tight upper back as usual.  Noticed that I was a bit more coordinated when I looked at the ground instead of the mirror (the mirror lies!)  I tried opening up my stance a bit and pointing my toes out a bit further.  This resulted in quite a good amount of depth in the squat- favorable to some, but for me at the moment, it wasn't as beneficial as I transferred some of the depth load to my lower back by going butt up first.  As I mentioned from the Monday's workout, this is probably the primary culprit to my lower back pain as I'm performing semi-Goodmornings.

Presses were a doozy today.  I noticed on my first workset that my wrists were buckling (terrible for the wrists), so I proceeded to correct my form making sure the weight wasn't resting on my wrists.  Managed to hit my chin on the way up on one of the reps, proceeded to laugh to myself and quickly looked around to see if anyone saw my blunder.  The last 2 sets were the hardest.  By the time I finished my 3rd set, my lats and traps were really tight and burning quite a bit so I rested a bit longer between each set and managed to bang both sets out with fairly decent form.  I'm trying to avoid arching my back.

Deadlifts were still pretty easy.  Gym doesn't allow chalk, but sneaked it and put some on my shins.  Unusual, but I had a bit of back pain when repping the set out.

I keep forgetting, but I need to bring my camera to a work session to really get a good look at my lift technique and form.


2 x 10 Leg swings

2 x 30 sec.  static Squat stretch

2 x 15 sec. Doorway pec stretch


5 x Bar

3 x 95

5 x 5 x 130


3 x x 10 sec. x 220


5 x Bar

5 x 5 x 65****


5 x 155

PWO Stretches:

2 x 15 sec. warrior lunge + twist

2 x 15 sec. butterfly

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