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A strength training journal

Week8 - Day20A - THE ILLEST

Weight:  177.6 Duration:  11:10pm - 12:08pm ~ 58 min.

Found a new song by Far East Movement feat. Riff Raff called "THE ILLEST" and was listening to it for most of the session.

Squats:  3x5xBar + 5x85 + 3x100 + 3x120 + 5x5x140

Less strain on the lower back today.  Did some extra shoulder mobility exercises before squatting and it seemed to help a lot with loosening up the right shoulder.

Bench:  4x5xBar + 2x5x65 + 5x5x90

Not bad.  I was switching between thumbless and with thumb grips between sets.  Doing a powerlifter arch also helped with stabilizing the lift.  Without powerlifter arch, I feel like I'm all over the place and my shoulders are taking the brunt of some of the load.  There was significantly less right arm dominance this time around.

Rows:  5x65** + **3x85 + 5x5x105

These felt pretty heavy today.  Squeezing the bar helps a lot with contracting the muscles pre-pull.  Still pretty heavy though.

Accessories: **Seated DB Curls:  10x25 **Preacher BB Curls:  8x40 Standing BB Curls:  10x40 Incline DB Press:  10x30 + 10x35

The preacher BB curls were pretty rough.  I made sure to get full extension, rest for a second, then curl.  This made the curls a lot harder since I wasn't using the reflexive bounce at the bottom of the curl and instead curling from a dead stop.  I was only able to do 8 reps doing it this way instead of the usual 10 where I wouldn't go full extension.  I was going to do some push-ups as my third chest accessory, but ended up actually doing some foam rolling!

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