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A strength training journal

Week6 - Day14A

Squats:  3x5xBar + 5x65 + 3x75 + 3x85 + 5x5x110 Bench:  3x5xBar + 5x5x75 Rows:  3x65** + **5x5x90

Preacher **EZ Bar Curls:  10x40 **Incline DB Press:  10x30 Standing BB Curl:  10x40 DB Fly:  10×15 Seated DB Curls:  10x25 DB Bench Press:  10x25

Duration:  1.5 hours

Weight:  177.0 lbs

Good workout!  Weights are still relatively light.  Squats got me nervous a bit- slightly hard to stabilize the heavier weight.  Had a harder time with getting my right shoulder to cooperate with the bar grip today.  In other words, I was in some degree of pain, more so than last session.  Bench was slightly easier today.  Rows were still pretty easy.  Performed some more chest isolation again with some heavier weights performed than previously.

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