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A strength training journal

5x3 Bench Cycle - Week 3 - Moderate Bench Day

Close Grip Bench Press:  10xBar + 10x65 + 5x5x85 Incline Bench Press:  10xBar + 5x65 + 2x8x85 + 6x85 DB Rows:  3x10x45 Pull-ups:  1/1/1 Military Press:  3x10x50 Seated DB Extensions:  3x10x45 BB Curls:  2x10x40 + 4x50

Struggled with the incline bench press today.  Only right lats and upper chest were engaging.  Dumbbell rows were also a bit difficult.  Standing overhead presses were surprisingly pretty easy.  Seated dumbbell extensions were pretty easy as well.  Barbell curls were hard on the last set.  May have gone up to 50s accidentally.

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