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A strength training journal

5/3/1 - C3W4 - Squat

Squat:  5x105 + 5x135 + 5x160 BBB Deadlift 70%:  5x105 + 5x135 + 3x160 + 3x10x190

Hill Sprints:  5x40 yards

Hill sprints were much more difficult today.  I think I'm going to continue with the 5/3/1 for another 3 months and restart the Boring But Big Challenge.  I still think I can gain some progress with this linear-style type of progressive loading.  I'm pretty satisfied with my squat and deadlift at the moment.  I'm really hoping I can continue with the progression to get me to 315lb squat 1RM and 405lb deadlift 1RM.  It's definitely doable, I think.  Outside of the progressive loading, I think what will truly determine my success towards these 2 goals is strengthening my weak points in each lift.

The big common denominator between these two lifts that can serve as a bottleneck if I don't train it more is my core.  With a stronger core, I will no doubt have an easier time towards the 315 and 405, squat and deadlift.  In addition to these, I really want to strengthen my bench and ohp.  185 1RM bench is not impossible.  135 ohp is also not impossible.  I'm pretty sure I could push press that if I really wanted to, but I'm going with strict ohp as my basis.  Core work will definitely carry over well into the ohp for stabilizing and boosting confidence with lifting a loaded bar over my head.

Aside from the main lifts, I also want to progress on my dips and chinups.  I've been running 5/3/1 + reps between chins and dips and alternating the two on the Press and Bench days.  Chinups, will no doubt be the most difficult to progress on.  I'd like to be able to dip and chin both +25lbs for 1 rep.

Finally, I've begun to realize that my cardiovascular fitness is not up to par with my strength.  The voyage to my apartment involves two flights of stairs.  While it's completely not unusual to get a little winded going up these flights for the average joe, it is fairly unusual for me, in my opinion, to be breathing a little heavy reaching the top of the stairs.  On top of the other goals, I'd really like to improve this aspect of my training that has long been neglected.  At the moment, I'm able to complete 5 full 40-yard sprints up a hill.  My goal is to be able to do up to 10-15 of these with a minutes rest between.

In summary:

Squat: 1x315lb Deadlift:  1x405lb Bench:  1x185lb Press:  1x135lb Dip:  1xBW+25lb Chin:  1xBW+25lb Hill Sprints:  10-15x40-yards

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