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A strength training journal

5/3/1 Cycle 1 Week 2 Press

Press: 5x55 / 5x65 / 5x75

Kept the elbows under the bar instead of too far forward.  Helped dramatically with applying more force on the bar and getting the overhead much easier.  Also less strain on the wrists, trying to keep the bar at the base of the palm

Bench: 5x8x80

Felt unbalanced load on the bench.  Probably arching back too much.

Chinups:  2

Forgot to do the other 4 sets, doh!

Incline Press:  8x85 / 8x85 / 6x85

Pretty hard at 85lbs.  Also felt unbalanced load doing these.

DB Rows:  10x45 / 2x10x50

Pretty easy.  Decided to go up to 50lbs for the 2nd and 3rd sets.  Focusing on eliminating the use of momentum.

Seated DB Press:  3x10x35

Not bad.  Getting the dumbbells up on the last set was a little difficult.

BB Curls:  2x10x40 / 8x40

Supersetted these with the dumbbell press.  Struggled getting through the sets, but finished to failure.

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