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A strength training journal

5/3/1 - C3W1 - Press

Press:  *5x30 + 5x40 + 5x45 + 5x50 + 5x55 + 10x65 (86.69 1RM) *BBB Bench 70%:  3x8x105 Chinups:  3xBW + 2xBW Lat Pulldowns:  10x42.5 + 8x42.5 + 7x42.5 BB Curls:  10/8/7 x 40 Facepulls:  *3x10x30 *Dips:  8/5/4

Been a while.  Didn't post up last week's numbers (it was a rest week).  Struggled today across the board today on various lifts.  Tried to do some wide grip pull-ups today, but it was pretty difficult.

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