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A strength training journal

Week 36 - 5/3/1 - Day 117

Cycle #7 **Week 1 Day 1**

** 5/3/1 Press:  3x60, 3x70, 3x80 **DB Military Press:  4x12x25lb Side Laterals:  4x12x10lb Barbell Curls:  4x12x30lb Preacher Curls:  12/12/8/7 x 45lb Core:  3xF Situps Conditioning:  15min. 3.0 spd, 3.0 incline

Day 1 of the bodybuilding scheme.  Curls were pretty taxing.  Probably need to lower the weight on the preacher curls and stagger the curls so that I'm not performing them back to back.  I should probably also rest a bit between each movement instead of doing them one after another.

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