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A strength training journal

Week 26 - 5/3/1 - Day 90

Cycle #7 **Week 1 Day 1**

5/3/1 Press:  5x80, 5x95, 4x105

Couldn't crank out the last 5th rep on the top set.  Bar placement in my hands were pretty perfect.  The bar didn't roll back so my wrists felt pretty good.

BBB Press:  10/10/6/7/6 x 65

Really felt the fatigue in my lats and my triceps.  Noticed right elbow is flaring out more than left which would probably explain why my right triceps felt much more fatigued.

Chin-ups:  5/4/4/3/2.5

Haven't done these in a while.  Noticed that I'm sort of using a little bit of hip swing when I pull myself up.  Last set was a bit better when I focused on getting my chest up to the bar. A bit of my skin on my palm near my pinky on the left hand was getting pinched.  Hurt like a mother.


15 min. treadmill @ 3.0 spd + 5% incline

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