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A strength training journal

Week 19 - 5/3/1 - Day 66

Cycle #5

Press:  5x45, 5x55, 3x70 + 3x80, 3x95, 2x105 ** **

Used a regular grip on all sets including warm-up.  Seems like I'm a lot weaker when using regular grip.

BBB Press:  10/10/8/6/6

Really fatigued traps by this point.  I just felt like I didn't have any gas at all.

BB Assistance:

DB Military Press – 4 x12 x 10lbs Side Laterals/Rear Laterals – 2 x 2 x12 x 10lbs Barbell Curls – 4 x12 x 20lbs Preacher Curls – 4 x10 x 35lbs


2min. x 2.0 spd, 10% incline warm-up 2 x 1min. 5.0 spd, 10% incline sprint 6.0 spd + 7.0 spd + 8.0 spd x 1min. no incline Cool down fast walk to 1mile

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