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A strength training journal

Week 43 - 5/3/1 - Day 136

Cycle #4 Week 4 Day 4

** 5/3/1 Squat:  5×100, 5×125, 5x150 **5/3/1 Deadlift:  5x115, 5x140, 5x165 Leg Press:  15x155lbs, 3x15x185lbs Weighted Sit-ups:  4x25x10lbs Dumbbell Rows:  2x15x25lbs, 2x15x30lbs Pull-ups:  4/4/3/2

Warmed up pretty thoroughly today.  Two sets of leg swings front to back, side to side.  Two sets of fire hydrants and warrior lunges.  Did a few cautious rounds of box jumping.  I noticed that the way I jumped determined if my back felt like it was "seperating".  If I jumped from a standstill, it would bother my back.  If I prepped my jump by lowering my self a bit and engaging my legs, there was less back involvement- almost like I was jumping from my toes.

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