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A strength training journal

Week 34 - 5/3/1 - Day 115

Cycle #6 Week 3 Day 3+4

Warm-up Squat:  5x95, 3x120, 3x140** 5/3/1 Squat:  5×180, 3×200, 3×225 **BBB Squat:  5x10x135

Warm-up Deadlift:  5x115, 3x145, 3x170 5/3/1 Deadlift:  5x215, 3x245, 1x270 BBB Deadlift:  5x10x145

Probably not the best of ideas to do both squat and deadlift 5/3/1's on the same day.  Actually, thinking back, it was a terribly conceived idea.  I can't think of any other way to "make up" workout sessions though.

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