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A strength training journal

Week 21 - 5/3/1 - Day 74

Cycle #5 Week 4 Day 2

Deadlift:  5x115, 5x145, 5x175

Pretty easy.  Going to do empty bar warm-ups before these next deload to get warmed up.

BB Assistance:

10x45 + 10x55 + 10x65 + 10x75 - Good Mornings:  Pretty easy, the bar slips up sometimes when going down and hurts a bit when it gets to behind my neck. 4x10x70lb - Lat Pull-downs:  Would give this weight about 7/10 difficulty. 4x10x30 - DB Rows:  Felt pretty light.  I might go for 35 or 40 next time. 10/8/6 - Ab Wheel Roll Out:  My low back buckles once my core fails.  These...suck a lot, haha.  Need a stronger core- stronger core translates to improvements in every other lift especially the squat.

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