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A strength training journal

Week 12 - 5/3/1 - Day 45 & 46

Cycle #3

Fell behind on the logs for a bit.  This post has day 3 and 4 for last week.  Last week concludes my 3rd cycle and the 3-month challenge variation on the Boring But Big assistance.

Day 45

Bench Press:  3x5xBar + 5x65, 5x85, 5x100

Boring But Big

Press: 5x10x50

Chin-ups:  5/4/4/3/3

Barbell Curls:  3x10x40 + Tricep Pushdown: 3x10x35 + Face Pulls:  3x10x25

Day 46

Squat:  5x110, 5x140, 5x165

Boring But Big

Deadlift:  5x10x140

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