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A strength training journal

Week 17 - 5/3/1 - Day 63

Cycle #5

Bench:  3x5xBar + 5x115, 5x135, 10x150 Rep PR

Well snap.  I was pretty surprised at myself for cranking out that many.  The gains I've made on the bench seems too good to be true.  Driving my feet into the ground really helped stabilize my core and in turn keep my upper back rigid.  I think my form was pretty good- didn't feel like my right or left side was working more than the other.  Having a solid arch really helped engage my upper back and lats as well.

Dips:  10/5/5/4 + Dumbbell Fly:  4x12x15lb + Tricep Pushdown:  5x20x25lb + *Push-ups: *10/11/10/6

Bodybuilder style accessories.  The dips were pretty difficult- my triceps got gassed pretty quickly.


1mile 3.0spd @ 10% incline

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