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A strength training journal

Week6 – Day14B

Squats:  5x5x70

Press:  5x5x50

Deadlift:  1x5x105

Back from travelling overseas. Surprisingly, it's been almost a whole month since I've been to the gym. The new StrongLifts5x5 app was kind enough to let me know that I had been away for some time and suggested I deload the weight on the bars down by 30%. It's good to be back. I'm hoping I don't encounter another long hiatus on lifting, but who knows what the future has in store.

Weights were all pretty light. I'm glad I went through with the deload. I was thinking of continuing where I left off, but I'm sure that would not have gone so well.

Didn't perform any accessories today, I wanted to get into work earlier today than my usual check in. Usually, I get to work a little after 10am. Decided to drive in by 8:30am. Managed to be the first one to arrive! Usually the manager checks in around 8am so it was a bit unusual getting there before him.

Week5 – Day13A

Weight: 184.6

Squats:  5x5x105

Bench:  5x10x75

Rows: 5x5x95

Dips: 5/4/4

Incline DB Bench (Left Arm): 3x10x30 Incline BB Bench: bar*10 + 2x10x65

Lots of snow over night. Turned out to be worse than the "Blizzard of 2015". It was snowing for the better part of last night into this morning. Then freezing rain came down after to nicely coat every with some extra slick. Everyone from work is working from home including myself due to the weather. Decided to hit the gym around 1 in the afternoon, but didn't get to the gym by 1:45 due to have to clean off the ice and snow off the girlfriend's car. Weekend was pretty exhausting. Saturday, I was out all day from 9:00am to 12:30am at night. I was thrown a surpise birthday party Saturday night, completely unexpected. I have some really wonderful friends. Sunday was another all day event, supporting behind the scenes for 2 world peace prayer meetings. Immediately after I drove down into the city to meet a good friend of mine who recently received Gohonzon and brought him to a 3pm world peace prayer meeting in the city. Had a great dinner afterwards and was able to connect him with some other guys in the local organization in Brooklyn. I'm really excited for him to begin practicing Nichiren Buddhism. Got home around 8pm and I just couldn't fight off the exhaustion even though I was pretty determined to relax and watch some shows, ended up passing out.

So, what's with me sharing my entire weekend? Well, today at the gym, I was feeling pretty tired still. It took a bit longer to get really warmed up. Even after my warm-up, the squats I did afterwards felt very fresh. It felt like I just rolled out of my bed and just started banging out reps. Nonetheless, the squats were pretty good. Used high bar position and a narrower stance. I really felt the heavier weight pressing against my traps. Definitely experience some pain with the bar pressed up against behind the neck. Not sure if this is normal, will take note to make sure I do some reading on this.

Bench was pretty easy. Playing around with my posture to get my left pecs and lat to activate more. Overall, they were still pretty light.

Rows are getting a bit heavier. I stopped doing 10 reps and did straight sets of 5x5. Thinking back now, I think I may have used a bit too much momentum on some reps. My torso position, was much improved from the last A session and I took careful note, using the mirrors, to make it was parallel to the ground this time.

Dips were grinders, but I definitely felt like I had more endurance on them. Managed to do 4 reps on both the 2nd and 3rd sets. I proceeded to do some incline chest work. Performed the single left arm incline db bench at 30lbs supersetted with some incline bb bench at 65lbs.

The prowler was being used today so I unfortunately skipped out on them. Definitely cut the workout shorter than usual.

Week4 – Day12B

Weight: 182.3

Squats:  5x5x105

Press:  5x5x70

Deadlift:  1x5x135

Chin-Ups: 2/1/1 Prowler: 3/2